Thursday, May 24, 2012


Happy 9 year Anniversary to us!  Thankful for God's kindness in giving me patience to wait, and for the gift of such a good man. 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Mark is away for a week.  4 nights down(including tonight) and 4 to go.  Pray for me!  Li is staying with me and making it possible for me to survive:)  Enjoy the reading videos!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Grandma and Papu came and went.  How does 3 1/2 weeks go so quickly?  I'm still working through the reality of living so very far from our family, so pictures will have to suffice. 
 The kids before Grandma took her scissors out. 

 Strawberry shortcake. . .
 Buckeyes, lets say a diet is in order. . .

 They rode the subway

 We went up the tallest building in the city...Lawrence was not pleased.

Thanks for your visit Mom and Dad.  We miss you much!