Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Video time. . . before we head back into slow internet-land


I'm trying to post as much as possible while we are in the land of freedom with the internet.  The past 6  months in-country have come with greater internet restriction.  It has benefits to me, as it keeps me living where I am, and not wasting as much of my time, but it also produces frustration in that I can't keep up with you all as well. I hope you enjoy these.  Blessings,  Meg

Monday, February 2, 2015

Carolines 10th Gum Birthday

Yes, its true.  She is now officially able to chew gum.  If you didn't think we were weird before, now you do.  One time when she was 2 or so she chewed gum on a flight and I found her stuck to her seat afterward.  Ever since then we said gum was not allowed.  When she asked when she could chew gum we said randomly "10", thinking that was forever away.  And here it is!  She's now got quite a collection of gum to chew!