Life with 3 is , well, ok. I am really enjoying the baby, and struggling with the older 2. AHH. They are going through something.(something being adjusting to a baby and mommy being busy with that baby). My deep thought of the day is that being stretched is good, good practice for the rest of life when life is easier, because you are at such your end that you either repent or be miserable. So, I'm so aware constantly of my sin, that my prayer is that I will be quick to repent and have hope that God can change me. It is so easy to see my sin when I am tired, and struggling to know how to handle all 3 kids need. I am quick to anger and very impatient. My tendency is to dwell in my anger and impatience, dwell on my failure to be loving towards the kids, dwell on their failure to obey. This is a nasty spiral that is uneasily broken. I needed Mark the other day to say, "Meg, just go ask Caroline to forgive you and start over" Ahhh, freedom! I'm wrong, help me God! He's not surprised that I cant do this. Gosh, all of life is this way, but we are so easily confused and decieved into thinking we can do life ourselves. So something to be thankful for yes? I am so slow to repent or see my sin when life is going well. This should be good training ground for me!! Pray that it will be such and I will learn to examine my own heart and not blame my circumstances(ie kids, tiredness, others) for the self-centeredness in my own heart.