Thursday, October 9, 2008

I just don't get this blog thing. I have had a few moments thinking, "oh this would make a good picture and my life will look fun" and then I reconsider as the reality is that those cute pictures of my kids in the mud are followed by me wrestling them to be clean and getting in trouble for letting them dig up the backyard. Those cute pictures of the 2 of them on the chair are proceeded and followed by my exasperating them because they don't want to cuddle and get their picture taken. You don't see all that in the cute pics. Now, I am a melancholy. really. I can find something hard about most things and live in the deep sadness of it for a long time if I let myself. So, there are some fun things that really are fun. Like the pictures of this orchard, it was actually a pretty good day! I mean some screaming on the way home and a tired afternoon for me, but overall an A+. But, friends, I just find life right now to be difficult. I love my kids, but I find the teaching/training them each day to be way beyond me. I rarely have to think too long at night before I can find a whole host of things to repent of and ask for help in. Not that I do that every night, but I wish I did. I'm praying a lot lately for patience, wisdom, love, and for forgiveness. I'm struggling to accept the personality I've been given, but not use that as an excuse to sin. Parenting is hard.

So, my blog is not happening so much. Maybe if I change my idea of what a blog is, or if you just let me be me and be melancholy. . . we'll see where we go from here.



Gina said...

yes! you can be sad and honest and post... thats very refreshing. I sometimes feel like blogs make everyone look so happy and unreal. ha ha. thanks for posting, its really good to see pics and your face and hear your voice/writing. miss you lots friend. you left a big hole here. lov,e gina

words and streets said...

LOVE IT. this is the type of blog I WANT to read, a real life, a real woman, a real mom. i can obviously relate to everything you said. and i love you so dearly. please please keep posting.... guess you'll get a link to my blog here now then. if you blog for me, i'll blog for you, kay? love, allie

Anonymous said...

meg!!! i'm trying to start reading friends blogs so i can feel like i know how your life is. i love your honesty! i always have. you are one of the most real people i know... so keep it up! the kids are amazing! so beautiful. tell them when they're being bad that you'll ship them off to live with lisa ayi in china if they don't stop misbehaving. hah! love ya friend and miss you tons!!! you wouldn't know that because i'm HORRIBLE about keeping in touch. but really and truly, I have missed you and Mark so much here!

Anonymous said...

oh, by the way... Taisley Red is lisa ray! :-)