Tuesday, October 28, 2008

One of those days. AAAAHHHHH. The kids seem to be at each other all the time. Maybe I'm trying to do too much, you know, the dishes, the laundry, freeze the meat before it goes bad. . . I don't know. I have them quiet at the moment, no they have themselves quiet at the moment. but I couldn't resist writing in the midst of the chaos. Today I went to the Post Office and its the 2nd time I've gone and dreaded it as my kids go nuts there. I bribed them with candy the whole time and it went better, but I told the post office man(praise the Lord hes a sweet one) that I won't be coming back after #3 is born. He said, thats why I quit at 2. Ok, sweet, but not as thoughtful as he could be. Ok, kids are fighting over a block. I wish Tedd Tripp would come parent my children. He'd do a much better job. Maybe I could hire him. Maybe I could go have a spiritual retreat so I can really do what I'd like to do in parenting. Anyway, I'm off to be the peacemaker or just send them to bed.


words and streets said...

Well, bribe away. I bribed my son to be baptized last year. Do you think that's what Jesus had in mind re: baptism? I don't think so. O well. I like bribes though. There are rewards in life for good behavior, right? Why not teach them early. And as for hiring Tedd Tripp, maybe we could have him start a coop... and you and I could head for a fluffernutter and cafe mocha. Okay, we had so much time those days back in college, why did we think we were so busy? Such a fun time.

Gina said...

hey, im so so so with you. i think parenting is SO hard and my 2nd one isnt even crawling yet. help!! how do we do this? someone told me the other day ... 'oh don't worry, most kids turn out just fine' :) HAHA. liked that!!
okay, so i get stressed out going places with both kids cause win breaks down. i even get stressed out when im home without grant with both kids. im a wimp and my elder is CRAZY. miss you. love, gina