Thursday, November 6, 2008


One of the things I was excited about in moving back to the states was the public library! WOOHOO.

Well, after yesterday, I'm not sure I'm taking both my kids there again for a while, maybe around the due date of the books. . . we'll see.

Any wisdom seasoned american mothers? Caroline is fine, we went for reading time. Lawrence on the other hand gave me a run for my $. They have these buckets of toys they put out for between reading times. We get there right before a reading time, but not right at reading time, so my kids find some toys. Well as soon as Law gets attached to some rings(he calls bagels) they librarian comes along and tries to get him to let go of them. OHHH NOOO, he's not giving them up. I, a little embarrased ask him to give them to her and then proceed to take them out of his hand. Imagine a almost 2 year old screaming "Bagel, Bagel I want my bagel" over and over at the top of his lungs. Now, I'm 5 months prego, and I'm trying to hold down my big boy. I try taking him to the water fountain, no go, the train table, uh uh, the other section of the library, no way "bagel, bagel I want my bagel" Ok, I'm done. Lets get Caroline and go home. Wait, how do I get Caroline in the middle of 10 kids and 10 parents? Ok, no ones helping. Everyones looking at me. Law is still screaming. Can't I just give him a darn bagel? NO, I can't give in, everyones watching, then all their little kids are going to want their version of a bagel. AHHHHHHHH.

So, I don't think its fair to rip Car out of the reading time, nor can I handle 2 screamin kids. So I give him 1 of the bagels. He is still crying, but a bit consoled. The librarian is opening in a round of Old MacDonald and that grabs his attention. . . Ok, its over, toys out again. I survived.

But come on. At first I was mad at the stupid library for having toys at all. Isnt' this reading time? Then I was mad at the librarian for making him give them up, can't he just keep the bagels? Then I was mad at all the calm mothers and fathers sitting there not helping me out, HELP!! Then I thought, maybe I'm the nutcase. Maybe my kids are way out of control. Maybe I just shouldn't go out.

Ok, I feel better. But I still won't be going back to the library with Lawrence anytime soon.. .



words and streets said...

Hahahahahaaaaa. okay, this made me laugh. Because I can definitely relate. Last year taking Levi to the library was a serious chore. He's better now, but I remember those days. There's no such thing as a quiet children's library, why even try? And don't we all want to forget the crazy days sometimes? Maybe that's why all of those parents were giving you those blank stares and were being so unhelpful. They've forgotten?? O well. I sure am glad Law got his bagel. What a hoot! And you deserve a rest, sister. Love you. 5 months, already? sheeeeeesh!

Carreen Behrens said...

Oh I feel your pain. I took Caroline & Will to the library a few weeks ago with the intent of curling up on the floor with my little ones, reading stories, and innocently checking out a few books. When I got there the childrens' librarian said, "Oh, you must be here for the tea party. We're serving cupcakes and juice." CUPCAKES AND JUICE!!!!! Caroline's face immediately lit up. I didn't know what would be worse, the fit she would throw if I scooped them up and ran out the door right then, or the effects of that much sugar at that hour (1 PM). I "compromised" and consented to 1 cupcake with no juice (or candy or cookies which were also there)!!!