Friday, October 26, 2007

To blog or not to blog

A few years ago a friend of mine sent me a link to his blog. I went and saw really cool pictures of a trip he had taken somewhere. Later, after having Caroline, a few people told me I should start a blog so others could keep up while we were overseas. I kinda laughed and thought about it for a few moments when reality of who has time to figure out what a blog was hit me and that was the end of that. Well, here I am, my first post on my first blog. What has motivated you Megan, you ask? Relationships. We are moving in a month, and that has me thinking about current and past friendships and family. The older I get the more I realize it is so hard to keep in touch. I really do wonder where some friends are, and how they are doing. I know that its not reality now to keep up with everyone, but it is pretty cool to be able to get a glimpse of others lives on their blog. My friend Gina has inspired me from her blog. Thanks Gina.
Here's to relationships. If you're reading this, I probably like you, and want to be in touch with you, so enjoy:)



therooddog said...

Welcome to the world of blogging! I'm looking forward to reading more of your thoughts.

Gina said...

Meg, im so touched and buhoayisi, thanks for saying my blog inspired you. Im so glad thatyou're starting one - so i can see pics of the kids for the next 3 years!! :) love, gina

scs said...
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scs said...

(oops...deleted my last comment on accident) anyway...meg, you're a blogger!! so excited to get a peek at your lives back in the states through this site. and your user profile is hilarious (you guys aren't secretly moving to afghanistan are you? haha) we love you guys!!

therooddog said...

Well... I missed you all last night at the party. I think that it was obvious to everyone that the kids were not nearly as wound up without Caroline's help.

When is the next post? Has everyone recovered from the flu and jet lag?

Gina said...

ready for the next post! :) remember, it doesnt have to be anything profound, just upload a picture and tell us something about your day or how its so awesome to live at your parents house :) im missing the kids faces. !

Meg said...

Wow, you guys are actually looking at the blog:) Thanks, I feel loved. Heres a quick one. Miss you Rood and Gina:)