Monday, July 30, 2012


For a pool only 15 minutes away!

For required swim caps, because it is so hilarious

For kids who are learning to swim

For a good visit with Grandma Susan

For a school found for the 3 youngers.  Lets just say that Emma is almost 3 but still wearing 9-12 mon clothes.  I'm going to take them to get altered soon!

Not exactly the clothing I would put on my kids, but they only have to wear them on Mondays!!  Juddy in seersucker shorts.

Water baloons

1 comment:

scs said...

They'll be fish by the end of the summer! SO thankful with and for you guys for that pool. AND lauging out loud at the swim caps - I actually can't get used to not making Gray wear one here -- and uniforms and Emma doing some swimming of her own in the latter!