Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Behind the pictures

Update in words.

While the girls are enjoying school, the boys whine and even cry, yea even cling to me (yes both of them) when I take them to school in the am.  Judson has started whining from the time I get him in the car.  I've promised slurpees, new cars, up to half my kingdom, and he wants none of it.  Tic Tacs were my friend last year.  Pop one in the mouth and see ya later mom.  Not this year, old game no worky this time.   

Caroline is a trooper, even with the increase in homework she is experiencing.  Among memorizing character radicals and characters, she has 4 Tang dynasty poems to memorize and if she doesn't she loses her privilege of carrying the sign out leading her class at the end of the day.  Most days she is unprepared as we are not able to read the notes her teacher writes to us! 

Emma, well, she is a trooper.  Never cries, the teachers(who by the way were not sure she should be in the class, due to size and other limitations) love her and think she is very capable. 

The funniest part of day one of school was when I went to pick the kids up.  The teacher looked at me and said, "Why doesn't she have underwear on? "  I looked at her like she was crazy and said, "what?"  To which she lifted up Emma's dress and said, "why doesn't she wear underwear?"  To my horror there shone Emma's bare bottom.  Oops.  Mark has been having them get dressed themselves.  Guess he didn't check on the underwear thing.  Needless to say I've made sure she has underwear on each day.

Do pray for me to know how to handle the boys, how to be caring yet firm.  Pray for us to know how to help Caroline work hard, but also not to live for the teachers praise.  We won't put in the time that her classmates do on homework, so she will be at the bottom of the class. 


Danielle said...

I too have one that could care less about bribes, blackmail, punishment, etc...I love him dearly but wow what a challenge! I prayed for you today and will continue as I pray for myself and my little one.

words and streets said...

O so hard! I'm sorry they're sad to leave you. Hmmm...keep being consistent and calm. I will pray!