Monday, January 3, 2011

Emma at 16 months!

We got an update from the orphanage today! Here is Emma on that same slide from 3 months ago.

Wanna see it in black and white?
Of course you do!! Isn't she cute? The update also told us that she is 14.7 pounds, 27 inches and has 6 teeth! That 14.7 pounds is a bit alarming, so light. I'm hoping it is the normal, "often babies in orphanages are small", but won't know until we get her. I can't wait to get her home and fatten her up!

Along those lines, it seems that we got our next approval, and tomorrow our documents will go to the China Adoption Affairs office to be approved for the final, (did I say final? YES I did!) final travel approval, or TA if you are into adoption acronyms. This approval could take 3-4 weeks. After we get the TA, we can make a consulate appointment and that will be when we travel. Looks like February it is!!

We are excited!! Here is another picture of our Emma!
So serious.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yay for you. come on feb!!! will you run into chinese new year? she is a cutie for sure. can't wait to hear all about it.