Wednesday, June 19, 2013

And another update

Last week one of the endocrinologists nurses called and went over the full report with me.  She said that while some of Emma's levels showed up low for growth hormone, that overall she passed the test and is producing growth hormone.   She also said that her thyroid looked normal.  Praise God!  So, the plan for now is to keep track of her growth each month, send it to the Dr. and just keep an eye on her to see what exactly her growth is like.  The Dr in Cincinnatti is willing to work with us long-distance and to even get in touch with the endocrinologist that we have overseas.  We are very thankful.

I'm not sure where the time is going, but it is going!  I guess the travel, lack of "normal" schedule and all makes it hard to remember to do things like update you:)

I know, I'll send some pictures. . . if I remember. . .

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