Saturday, May 21, 2011


I was so encouraged by Mark's graduation yesterday. Very proud of his hard work. Very thankful for this 3 years of learning and serving a local church and growing our family. And most of you know that the last months of preparing to leave have not come easily for me. I have loved living in America with all its parks, libraries, proximity to family, and space. I have loved going to yard sales and consignment sales and filling my home with things. So, I dreaded the process of getting rid of it all! But, as often happens when I follow God by faith, it has been a joy to give to others, it has been freeing to let go of my things. It has been good for me to remember God's work in my life and the joy it is to serve Him. So, to hear the president yesterday elaborate on, "We part to meet, and meet to part"(part of the school song), helped me remember why we came here in the first place. Just for a time, to get more equipped to go back and do what God has worked in our lives up until now to do.


Alicia said...

awesome :)

eva said...

woo hoo! congrats, mark. :)

Unknown said...

yay mark. congrats on all your hard work.