Thursday, February 17, 2011


Day 4 has gone well. We've made some great strides. We can see more and more of Emma's personality, and personality she has. These pictures show it.
Eating noodles with Daddy.
Walking outside with Daddy.

Happy one minute. . .

Sad the next.

Till tomorrow. . .


Cara Arnold said...

She is so precious! So thankful for how things are going! Praying for good health and sleep and a safe return! Love and miss you guys!!

Lindsay said...

Two questions: 1) Did Caroline get her hair cut?
2) When are you coming home?

Leventhal Family said...

She is precious! Glad you all are making progress. Before you know it you'll be home looking back at these pictures and thinking "was that really three....four...five months ago!" Believe me! It's happening to me right.this.moment!

Meg said...

Lindsay, Yes, Car got her hair cut right before the trip! And we get home in a week! The 27th actually. How long!!How did everything with Rebekah go?

Missy, keep telling me these things~all I can think about is the present!! What did you do all day everyday? Its rainy and cold, so we are pretty cooped up!!