Tuesday, February 15, 2011

After a great first night of sleep(for Emma, not for Mark and I! jet lag still going strong) we headed to this office to, well, I'm not sure, but we did sign some papers and tell them that we are happy with Emma and will take good care of her!

She was pretty happy in the am. She is a ham and will smile most every time you take a pic of her.

This was from last night, but was so cute I had to include it. The pics you don't see are of her crying. All day long. I can't really leave her or she cries. She doesn't want much to do with Mark, though we worked today on that. My new friends here say that its good that she is crying, and that she seems to be bonding with me. I'm struggling not feeling suffocated and then feeling bad for feeling that way at all. She wouldn't lay down for a nap, and I'm wondering if she'll go down tonight! Pray for good rest and for right thinking!


words and streets said...

She's such a cutie, meg. I'm sure it is all overwhelming! I'm guessing you just are going with each hour, trusting the Lord. You look healthy, thanking God for that.

Lindsay said...

I'll pray! Thanks for the specifics and the pics.

Mary said...

I can't get over her smile!!!! Oh, how I miss you, dear sister, and will be praying for all the things you mentioned.

Riley said...

Oh my goodness! She is such a cutie! You're getting some great pics! Can't wait to meet her!

Riley said...

um, this is actually Laurel, but Riley did say she was cute when we were looking through the pics :-)

Meredith said...

Yay! We are so excited for you and will be praying for that transition.

Anonymous said...

You go momma! Sounds like she is indeed bonding with you and that is a huge praise! Praying for your perserverance in mothering and her continued adjustment to being in the Collins family. I'm sure you must feel a bit suffocated right now but don't waste time feeling guilty over that it's what any human being would be feeling. You're a great Mom and Emma knows it already:)She looks like such a dollbaby!!

Unknown said...

hang in there girl! Oh this stretch is so hard, but it gets better... I promise. praying for you.